The end and the beginning is in sight

Almost 12 years on from The George fire of 2013 and with  all that has happened in the interim, the day on which The George will be trading is in sight. While there are still plenty of caveats in place the George Team are working hard to achieve what so many in the village and around are hoping for – a warm welcoming and inclusive pub with great food, drink and activities.

By the end of January the roof tiling will be complete with guttering, barge boards and soffits all in place. This will enable the scaffolding to come down giving access to the all-important frontage of the building.

The roof tiling was partly delayed by weather and by complications in finishing the main chimney stack which had to be rebuilt above roof height.

If you have not been round to The George recently it’s worth looking at the near finished elevation from George Lane.

This is a view looking up into part of the Activity Room roof space. The silver-coloured ducting takes up most of the space and is just a small part of the building’s substantial ‘plant’ equipment. This kit provides the Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery (MVHR) facility for the Activity Room. It will mean that the area will be comfortable even with a full house and without any open windows that could lead to noise problems

The rear of The George on 27th January. The ‘chimney’ takes the ventilation and extraction systems from the kitchen and bar areas and has been designed to minimise the noise and fume output in accordance with the latest planning and building regulations.

The whole building will be acoustically tested with all its plant operating before the approval to open can be granted by the planning authorities.


Volunteers required for fitting out