Standing room only at village hall public meeting

It was a cold January morning when The George held a public meeting to inform shareholders, supporters and the wider community about progress on The George Project.

In the run-up to Christmas, volunteers had hand delivered a card and newsletter to every address in the Village which included an invitation to this event. Building on a questionnaire circulated at the December Village Christmas Market, residents were also invited to both rank and expand the selection of activities and events that they would like to see in The George Activity Room.

Over 120 local residents packed the hall to hear presentations from The George Management Committee and the newly appointed Pub Manager and Community Engagement Co-Ordinator. Fortified with refreshments served by a group of volunteers, the audience heard details of the planned timescales for opening and the sort of food, drink and activities that awaited them.

As well as outlining the paid employment opportunities at The George, the scope of volunteering was fully explained, both during the run-up period to opening and longer term in supporting the wide range of activities.

Questions and comments followed with a strong expression of thanks to the volunteer Management Committee for all the continuing time and effort that they are devoting to the project. 

The enthusiasm and support in the hall was palpable and no better demonstrated that the dozens who signed up for volunteering, shareholder enquiries and 200 Club memberships.


Volunteers required for fitting out